- Actresses
- Models
- Musicians
If you think I should add another category, then PLEASE feel free to let me know!
I present to you THE TOP 10 HOLLYWOOD BOMBSHELLS......
Sorry Hideous. I now will contribute to the hordes of men declaring Ms. Fox to be just that, a Fox. You can expect to see this little firecracker eat up the silver screen for years to come.

Jennifer Love Hewitt first became relevant after Can't Hardly Wait. She has NEVER made a good movie and probably never will. But who cares? My girlfriend just informed me that she actually has a music CD out. Wow. Who knew?
She was the sidekick of No. 6 in the movie Mean Girls and has had more voice over roles than actual acting roles. It's okay though, a soothing voice goes a long way in my book. Plus she looks like Jennifer Love Hewitt but better. Can't go wrong with that.
Scarlett has NO problem sampling men. From Derek Jeter to Justin Timberlake to even Benicio Del Toro, who is like in his 40's. The Good News: Scarlett likes ALL types of men from ALL different age groups. The Bad News: Despite the wide range of men that she digs, you STILL will never be near that range.

Rachel McAdams, the original "Mean Girl". We all saw her in Wedding Crashers and fell in love with her sophisticated style and "down to earth" attitude. If you can't take this girl home to mom then who can you take?

We knew her as Kelly Kapowski. I always wondered why her career never really took off. She had the looks, personality and established fan base but just never really did much of anything. What a shame.

Gina Gershon is easily the most "mature" female on this list at the youthful age of 46. You've seen her play a lesbian ex-con in Bound, a stripper in Showgirls and the wife of the bad ass, Castor Troy, in Face Off. Oh yeah, and she was in that Lenny Kravitz video too, called "Again". She has by far, the most unique and sultry smile in existence.

What is it about Jessica Biel? Guys, help me out here to pinpoint it. But whatever it is, it was enough to land her at the No. 3 spot. Congrats Jessica Biel, congrats.

It's official. Vanessa Hudgens is well past the legal age of consent. Check it out for yourself http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanessa_hudgens. She's 5'3 of pure exoticness and shows great potential to remain high in the list of bombshells for years to come.
Next time you hear somebody ask "Who's Kim Kardashian"? just say she's that girl that looks like Vanessa Hudgens...... but on crack.
Next time you hear somebody ask "Who's Kim Kardashian"? just say she's that girl that looks like Vanessa Hudgens...... but on crack.
Do I even gotta write anything?
It looks like we have completely different tastes in women lol.
Who I'm loving off this list:
Rachael McAdams- Dead on about Wedding Crashers
Gina Gershon- Loved her on Face off, too.
Vanessa Hudgens- Probably one of the cutest girls of all time.
Who I'm not loving on this list:
Scarlett Johanson- I think she's super overrated. I just don't see it in her.
Tiffani Amber Thiessen- I wouldn't even have her in my top 50...
Jessica Beil- Wayyyyyyyyyyy too high on this list
Angelina Jolie- She's maybe top 30 on my list. She drops every time she does something crazy lol.
Who got snubbed?
Gabrielle Union- One of the sexiest faces in show business
Eva Mendez- I have a thing for Hispanics... Speaking of Hispanics
Penélope Cruz- Gorgeous
Famke Janssen- I've been in love with her since Goldeneye
Paula Patton- She was the co-Star in Deja Vu. Also, she was that gorgeous girl in the bar at the beginning of Hitch. Watch the first 20 minutes of that movie, it's well worth it.
I gotta agree with above, there are a few who don't need to be on this list and several more that do. Gabrielle Union, Sanaa Lathan, and Jessica Alba need to replace Scarlett, Tiffani, and Jessica need to be removed.
Hideous - I wouldn't say COMPLETELY different. 3 out of 10 ain't bad, lol. Scarlett can be an acquired taste, Tiffani Amber, not on your Top 50? That's crazy talk homie, she's as safe a bet as you can get when finding a neutral girl for any man. I'll let Jessica Biel slide cause she's awkwardly good looking but homie sumthin's wrong when you say Angelina might be on your Top 30!!! Jezus. What is it that she does crazy??? The Billy Bob phase was 6 years ago and that kissing her brother shit was like a decade ago. She's now a mother of 6 and a fuckin ambassador for starving children around the world. She's doing fine in my eyes.
Who got snubbed. You named 4 girls and 3 of them gotta be some of the WACKEST females in the biz. I already covered Penelope Cruz in my overrated TOP 10. Eva Mendes has a "look" that's a dime a dozen down here in El Paso where I live, so if you dig her appearance, then visit down here for a week or two. And Gabrielle Union is my biggest REGRET for not posting her in my TOP 10 MOST OVERRATED "HOTTIES"....seriously, what the fuck! Nice skin, ends there...c'mon. And Famke was amazing in 007 and was in my TOP 15 but got cut and didn't quite make TOP 10.
Paula Patton got like a Halle Berry/Jada Pinkett thing going on and unfortunately for her, it's more Halle than Jada. So no dice.
But like I said, we may only disagree on ACTRESSES.
Ms. Bond D - Negative, negative, negative. You couldn't be more wrong. Unless I hear some legit reasons on Jessica and Scarlett, then I gotta dismiss the hatin. Sanaa Lathan is very nice....MAYBE TOP 40 but nowhere NEAR 10.
I'm curious as to what YOUR TOP 10 would look like, being that you're a female and such.
Ok well Scarlett is cute, but she is not a bombshell to me. She looks like every other blond in this country...I know cuz I am one of them. Now I am no Scarlett, but I just don't think there is anything special to her. It's kinda the same with Jessica, I mean she's cute, and she has a great ass, but I don't know something just doesn't sit well with me about that girl. As for my top 10, give me a few days to get that together for you and i'll make sure to let you know.
Take off:
9.) JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT - top 10 not a chance
5.) TIFFANI AMBER THIESSEN - I told you before get those eyes checked lol
4.) GINA GERSHON - cute but i wouldnt put her top 10
ona side note
3.) JESSICA BIEL - deserves a better pic than the one posted
the replacements (in no order)
9) Hayden Panettiere
5) Jessica Alba
4) Megan so so good
3.) christina milian
I could not agree with MR. Lex more
Lex - 2 Words homie, YOU CRAZY!!
I will admit that Jennifer Love Hewitt is an acquired taste. But to dog on Tiffany Amber? Lol, is she walked up to you on the street, i'm pretty sure you'd start stutterin homie. lol. i dig Jessica Biel's pic, no heavy makeup, nice smokey look.
Now, your "replacements".
Hayden Panettiere, made my runner up list. So not too much disagreement.
Jessica Alba is TOP 20, she's a lil played out now. She's got a kid, married to some 45 year old....the appeal is watered down these days.
As for Megan Good and Christina Milian, this was an ACTRESS list. Megan is better known for her modeling in videos and Christina is a musician before anything else. So don't worry, you may see them in a FUTURE TOP 10.
hey hey hey
Megan is known for acting shes not a video girl shes been acting since a lil kid
and Christina has been in a few movies im not sayn give her a Oscar or anything but check the resume
and even if you cloned JENNIFER LOVE HEWITT and TIFFANI AMBER THIESSEN together they still wouldnt look better than Hayden Panettiere
and as far as Jessica Alba
come on now did u even see who your number 1 is??????
I lovem both but as crazy as ANGELINA is with all the adopted kids and old men with blood necklaces shes been with
there is no way you can knock Jess
I'm glad to see Christina Milian getting some love on here (if she's not on your top 10 musician list I might have to stop reading your blog lol).
Gabrielle Union: "Nice skin, ends there...c'mon." Wow! Nothing more?
If I see Tiffani walking toward me I'm walking the other way. If I see Paula walking toward me I'm staring and I'm speechless. We'll just have to agree to disagree on those lol.
Can’t wait for the Shield review……..
Jenifer Love Hewitt….Over Rated…(clap, clap, clap clap)
Lacey Chabert….Bring Her to My Chambers at once…….
Rachel McAdams……Boooooooooo
Vanessa Hudgens……Jesus I love thee……. But after dedicating a decade of My Life lusting after your No.1 I can’t argue with your pick for the top spot
Way to Finnish Up Strong.
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