Friday, January 30, 2009


Barack Obama continues to convince me everyday.

That he was, without a doubt.

BORN for this role.

I've been off the grind for quite some time now (almost 2 months) and now that I'm already settled in my new place, excuses have run slim for me. It's a new year and 2009 actually looks good for me so far. I figure the best way to kick off my first post is with the man himself, President Barack Obama. And when I talk about this guy I wanna toss all that 1st "black President" shit aside....cause that shit is least in the way that it's being spun. The REAL reason we should all rejoice is because his election is solid PROOF towards my infamous theory that racism is on its deathbed. And as a reward for my keen sense of things to come, I hope I don't have to hear from the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton anymore........your forum has been taking away, so please shut the FUCK up. Seriously.

Even when Tony Dungy won the Super Bowl, I had to hear all news sources "mention" that he was the FIRST "black" coach to win a Super Bowl...........uhhh, ooook. And what exactly does that mean? Should I celebrate more? Should I celebrate less? It really confused me that this "fact" was continuously being fed to me. Anybody that knows me, knows that I hate racism and I hate the promotion of it, despite anyone's good intentions.

This post could go down so many different paths at this point and I most definitely invite anybody to lead me down one of those paths of conversation.

But on a lighter note, I wanna shine some light on Obama's latest impact in the White House. He's done away with the "mandatory" jacket inside the Oval Office policy. This tactic is two-fold. First, it signifies a small, yet significant break away from the past. Which America desperately needed. Secondly, it creates a more stress free environment for those leading our country, a smart move on Obama's part.

So feel free to stroll in with your warm ups and iPods if you're ever invited inside the Oval Office.


pensiveLION said...

Beast- Welcome back from your Holiday Hiatus. Hope all is well.

I read through your post and I thought to myself "where do i begin?"

Tony Dungy- I couldnt agree with you more....what the fuck does skin color have to do with a Super Bowl win? Why does it matter that this the first black president (or half black president for those who truly know)?

Obama's latest impact in the White House- Beast I will have to say WTF to that. Last time I was stressed at work, what I was wearing was the last thing on my mind. So i am going to "Keep it Real", lets blog about the Sale of the US of A. With all these Obama proposals and programs, where does our president get this money from, seeing as that taxes will not increase. I will tell you where he gets this money- Governmental Bonds. And who buys these GB's?....other Governments(i.e. Japan, China). Which basically means these Countries will have leverage on us and possibly even our legislation.

Casey Culler said...

I'll be the first to say that I hope Obama does well, hell, I hope he is the best president ever...Of course, there are going to be

There are policies that just make sense to me that he makes. I respect that he is, at least, attempting to step outside of the beltway and the corporate structures. Today, 2/4, marks a big day in the joke that is federal bail out to financial institutions. My biggest problem with the bail outs are that the companies rarely get assisted, but the executives get compensated. What is the government rewarding? Failure?

MSNBC wrote the following article today:

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama on Wednesday imposed $500,000 caps on senior executive pay for the most distressed financial institutions receiving federal bailout money, saying Americans are upset with “executives being rewarded for failure.”

Damn right man! I mean when Barack talked, and talked, and talked, about what he was going to do--I started to get a little frustrated that he was just talking. America needs action at this time and moves like this represent that he is willing to make strides to turn this financial crisis around.

Dame said...

You are definitely not an excuse making person my friend.

That Black President shit for the most part the way it is projected is dumb as hell same as with the black coach shit. Glad you brung it up. That Dungy shit was KILLLING me. I’m glad I haven’t heard to much Black shit with Coach Tomlin.

Looking for to more of your thoughts that will agree with and vehemently hate with respect fam


PENSIVE - I appreciate the welcoming back. All I gotta say about being stressed at work is this: Perhaps my attire is just ANOTHER contributor to my stress level. I wear ties at work and i'll tell you what, despite me looking DAMN good in them; they frustrate the hell outta me. My patience thins and thus society feels my wrath. As far as America pimping itself out...we've been doing that for quite some time. From what i've seen, i see little influence politically or even culturally. Americans are smart as hell when it comes to getting "played" so i doubt as a society the sale of these bonds will prove to be significant.

TROOP - Case my man. Good to hear from ya! And yes!!! Barack is walking the muthafuckin walk!! Capping these executive clowns is the most logical thing President Obama could have done. He truly makes me proud to be an American!

DAME - ALWAYS a delight to see you stamp my latest entry with your feedback. And as sarcastic as that sounds, i truly mean it. Lol. I'm glad you agreed with me on this one.....people need to stop looking a dood's "skin color" and just see their fuckin accomplishments for what they are! And Tomlin is bound for great things, I can't turn away whenever he's giving an interview. I'm not sure if it's the chewing of the gum or the widening of his eyes but that man was BORN to coach.

pensiveLION said...

Beast- Next time we sit at a poker table make sure you wear tie...i would love to get you on tilt.

"As far as America pimping itself out...we've been doing that for quite some time."

What happend to OBAMA's tag line..."Vote for Change"? not much change happening if he is just perpetuiating problems

Unknown said...

great post

Anonymous said...

I still have to comment on this.. and it's coming soon.