10. Tony Stewart - This fat ass is a race car driver? Driving cars is NOT a sport!
9. Tiger Woods - Not even a real "athlete". Talented? Yes. Worth the hype? No.
8. Shaquille O'Neal - Never had talent. Just physical dominance. Clear as day now.
7. Pacman Jones - Must he celebrate every single tackle? Fuckin degenerate.
6. Tim Sylvia - Nothing annoys me more than guys with guts in ANY ring.
5. LeBitch James - Overrated. Period. And can't keep his nails out of his mouth.
4. T.O. - Stop bouncing while walking and tilting your head back in between plays.
3. Oscar DLH - When did it become "ok" for this fag to only fight twice a year?
2. Wade Phillips - This fat ass's smile makes me want to smash my t.v.
1. Floyd Mayweather - Somebody bitch slap this clown on the street, please.
lol at #10,9,6
so true so true
Wade isn't an athlete, so i'm thinkin of throwing in Jerry Jones.
wow my friend, wow.
i agree with #10,9 and 8 and 2.
But you hit on some of my favorite people here..
and i was just starting to like you.. hehe
lol. yeah.....all these guys really get under my skin...maybe i should have gone into GREATER detail as to why.
Tony Stewart
Maybe not a sport..Maybe just a very difficult skill, but I need more to why he’s annoying then being obese and driving for rednecks delight
Tiger Woods
Maybe you should go check the stats and go see just how “talented” he really is. You are blaming him for the sport (see Tony Stewart) also.
Adam Jones
Ummm last time I checked… about 80% of people celebrate after making a tackle in the NFL. Matter fact somebody is always celebrating a tackle wether they made the stop or not. Damn near the same in college…..but hmmm celebrating a tackle makes you a degenerate? I saw that Zack Thomas celebrating a tackle a couple weeks ago, is he a degenerate also? How about Junior Seau….I had to watch that guy celebrate after everyone of his 10 million tackles…. And before you even get to arrest without convictions …. I was arrested or detained 5 times between 2000-2001 would that make your boy a degenerate?
Stop hating the business man…lol
His legacy is still good, for what he has done inside and outside the ring
Smh wtf is he in the military or something?
For a good guy you sure have a lot of hate in your heart fam
Wow. I’m picking up on a change of TONE in these comments. But let me clear up a couple of things real quick. I don’t “hate” these guys, I use that word sparingly because when I say it, I mean it. I titled the post “Most Annoying” and that’s who these 10 clowns are, annoying to me. So:
Tony Stewart – You’re right, I don’t view Racecar Driving as a sport. And any “sport” who’s “Top Athlete” is a fat guy with a perm/mullet, well then its all jokes from there. Besides, there are waaaaaaaayyy to many variable factors to label driving as a TRUE sport.
Tiger Woods – Golf is relaxing and calming game. Not a sport. And Tiger Woods is the BEST to ever play. Lol but it doesn’t make golf a sport or Tiger an athlete. Stats, facts, figures and all that shit is irrelevant. You could take down stats and figures of the millions of people around the world who play board games like Monopoly and I’m sure we would be able to pinpoint the BEST at that game….so does that mean we are going to plaster that person’s face on ESPN?? Harldy. Hopscotch, checkers, hotdog eating contests, where does it end? Look at the World Series of Poker, it’s a game and even on ESPN and they aren’t referred to as “athletes” and they have some IMPRESSIVE players…..with stats and figures. Lol.
Adam Jones – I knew when I threw Pacman in here I might get some mixed feedback from you. Lol. Lemme say it again. Adam “Pacman” Jones is a degenerate. And let me add in there that he’s not too bright either.
Webster’s Dictionary defines DEGENERATE as follows:
A: having declined or become less specialized (as in nature, character, structure, or function) from an ancestral or former state B: having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type: having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state
I don’t need to sit here and write how much of an honor it is to play for the NFL. How prestigious the organization is. To walk into that league thinking that you’re not gonna have to SACRIFICE and CHANGE some shit about you is unconscionable. Fuckin ridiculous. You and me can AFFORD to spend a night in county, to get in a scuffle because we’re not going to lose million dollar contracts and make the evening news.
As far as celebrating. Either you’re humble or not. People celebrate, yes, shit I even celebrate. But stop flexing your arms on 2nd and 9. He acts surprised sometimes, like if he’s amazed that he got the stop. You mentioned Junior Seau and Zack Thomas. Those men are beasts and have EVERY right to celebrate a stop because of their position. Pacman Jones is 5’10 and a buck 86….lol….who the hell is HE stopping. His game is finesse not strength. Silence speaks volumes.
Oscar De La Hoya – Again. I don’t “hate” him. He annoys THE FUCK out of me. Either you’re a fighter or you’re a promoter. You can’t be BOTH. Just like the good book says, you “can not serve TWO masters”. In other words Dame, by remaining a fighter AND continuing to promote, he is DISRESPECTING the ART of boxing by not giving it his 100% undivided attention and focus. For him to think he’s good enough to give less than that, is arrogance beyond words and a slap in the face to TRUE boxing fans.
T.O. - "A lot of people think I'm stuck up. Pretty much that I'm arrogant. I only do that when I'm on the field." - Terrell Owens
That’s why he annoys me. Talks way too much considering how many times he drops the ball these days. Start moving the chains and then run your mouth. Roy Williams should take off the double team, perfect opportunity to put up or shut up.
And walking with your head up high, head tilted back is a subconscious sign of confidence. But in T.O.’ case, it’s more of false security blanket to deflect the criticism of all those that know better. ;)
10. Tony Stewart - This fat ass is a race car driver? Driving cars is NOT a sport!
---driving cars may not be a sport, but going 150+ on a 30 degree incline for hours at a time AND stay focused...you got to respect it...at least you can't see nascar drivers do their celebration dance (now that would be incredibly annoying.) i think being fat and staying in that small space is actually pretty impressive, haha.
9. Tiger Woods - Not even a real "athlete". Talented? Yes. Worth the hype? No.
---disagree for real...the only reason people think that Tiger Woods is annoying is because he is EVERYWHERE...Tiger is golf. PGA knows that EA knows that everybody knows that. is that annoying? i dont think so bro. that is the reward for excellence.
8. Shaquille O'Neal - Never had talent. Just physical dominance. Clear as day now.
---i can't disagree on this one.
7. Pacman Jones - Must he celebrate every single tackle? Fuckin degenerate.
---i heard he is going into a alcohol abuse clinic...i watch espn for sports, not a soap opera....p.s who gets in fights with their body guard? the dallas contingency plan failed in a major way.
6. Tim Sylvia - Nothing annoys me more than guys with guts in ANY ring.
5. LeBitch James - Overrated. Period. And can't keep his nails out of his mouth.
---the two reasons why he is annoying is because he gets a TON of calls & he does not make good commercials (those two elements play huge roles in the levels of annoyance of the modern athlete.) although maybe i am a little sad that he didn't become an all pro tight end in the NFL...I would love to see him line up against Ray Lewis...nice.
4. T.O. - Stop bouncing while walking and tilting your head back in between plays.
---T.O is the perfect player in Dallas...talking shit when times are good--and shutting his mouth in bad times...annoying because he can't get over the whole Donavan situation--GET OVER IT BRO!!!
3. Oscar DLH - When did it become "ok" for this fag to only fight twice a year?
---annoying, yes out of the ring...but inside of it? and the whole fighting twice a year...i think that he is playing on the decline of boxing...its struggling and he knows he is one of their only draws.
2. Wade Phillips - This fat ass's smile makes me want to smash my t.v.
---i thought this was an athlete list??? but he is very annoying when he attempts to run down the field and I have to see the jelly jiggle.
1. Floyd Mayweather - Somebody bitch slap this clown on the street, please.
---somewhat agree
closing words--
when speaking of annoying athletes we must have some sort of criteria.. are they annoying because how they act when they do their work...or how they act when they are off???
off the field, Kellen Winslow is one of the most annoying dudes, but he is not annoying when he plays? you know what im talkin' about. let me know what you think
I get aggravated easy when people go hard (pause) on athletes, because most times it is used as a proxy for other forms of thought, overt or unknown..
Shit pisses me off even when I’m not really mad…. if your can get me on that (not due to lack of intelligence due my esoteric ass phrase that might not make any sense)
So that would be my reasoning for the “Tone” fam…
Trust I prolly would’t like Tony Stewart if I got a chance to be around him, and its funny how all of his indiscretions are downplayed instead of looked at as atrocities. I just felt like you where calling out a sport but just putting his face on it.
Hopscotch…… this ni**a said hopscotch lol….. wow…. stomach is hurting at the moment....I forgot all about that ish
Your point on being on ESPN a lot is a very valid one, golf being or not encompassing what a sport is .. a very debatable argument.. (Even tho comparing it to checkers is low lol) but….. To paraphrase a unknown cool dude whose legacy to our lexicon will never be forgotten.
“Don’t Hate (Or be annoyed) by the player…Hate the Game”
All of this hype that grates isn’t for the most part the individuals you speak of, but the entiys around them, and ESPN is damn near the preeminent super villain.
Come un fam….. You and I know that words are living entity’s whose meanings alter themselves based upon the variables of place and time
Sorrta like how someone can ask for a fag in England and end up with a Newport
You and I both know that when the average American uses or hears the term “degenerate” they are speaking or receiving the message on a personal He is or that person is calling me a Scumbag, type level.
Simple and plain
Calling somebody a degenerate is like calling them a piece of shit, in a nice way …..
Which is really worse then just calling them a piece of shit .
But to use the Websters definion you so kindly provided.
“B: having sunk to a condition below that which is normal to a type: having sunk to a lower and usually corrupt and vicious state”
What you can’t be serious, in comparison to the daily actions undertook by our fellow citizens famous and unknown, Mr. Jones record is much more pristine then those throwing rocks.
Corrupt and Vicious is not Mr. Jones….sir
Less specialized after enduring a unwarranted year off for practicing his craft, no boubt
I would also concur with you that his light bulb is not of the highest wattage.
But to say he hasn’t Sacrificed would be a gross mis statement in my opinion.
Only a few people and I mean a few…can tell what its like to be “Pac Man” Jones…. And the amount of money the would properly compensate for the scrutiny he endures is definitely more then the amount he was earning before his recent induction into re hab
Fuck a Honor….. When did it become a Honor…
Was it a Honor before the advent of Televised Games?
Did It become the a Honor when it Surpassed Baseball as the Most Popular Sport.
Was the first occurrence of it displayed after SB 1
Or did it become and HONOR when athletes stop getting pimped like Share Croppers and finally started to get paid.
I think you should get to it and explain what a honor and privilege it is.
And all of this is really funny to me because out of all positons in life it is auguble that ahteltes EARN (Their Positions Not Money…so you don’t go off on a tangent, Money is a another subject for another long winded response lol) theirs more then anybody else in our sphere of selling services known as capitalism
Is it a privilege to be a 20 million dollar a year Actor or Actress?
Is it a privilege to be a Multi Million dollar a year Hedge Fun Operator.
Is it a privilege to be the CEO of a highly profitable publicly traded company …
It’s a job simple and plain…that only the most specialized and well taught HARD WORKING and yes “gifted” individuals on the planet can participate in
Fuck all of this recent conveniently accessed by the public lore that is invoked upon every questionable action of a athlete.
Yes you can believe in all of those that came before you…and yes people can choose to believe in the institution and uniform if you want to, and in some cases I can identify with ( USC, Notre Dame football, The Yankees, etc) but the nuts and bolts of it is that it’s a job that athletes engage in nothing more nothing less.
That’s the problem with the country (I’m getting old if I’m using that phrase) to much hyperbole about bullshit.
We Claim to care our revere something so much and when they/we get called on it, the nation fronts.
All of the waxing poetic about the troops, (which Is also fundamentally just a “job” for many of them” but we front on them (like we always have) when it comes to “supporting” them in every single way form and fashion.
Fuck that ..what’s more of a privilege then being The President of a nation, and after all of his bullshit and being the worst of his executive ilk…we couldn’t muster the will to evict his ass from office?
But “Pac Man” as many can’t help but to say, gets into a argument and he needs to be banished to where the Undeserving go…right?
Privllage = Your lucky to even be here…and probably undeserving
“It’s a Honor to be able to play the Game” Is a talking point/ bone, thrown to the public used to justify their misguided ire towards those whose existence would be much more mundane without their work.
Most times its athletes Kow towing to the oft frothing at the mouth fans looking for any reason to criticize those in position they deem them undeserving of for a litany of reason that would fill up any psychologist schedule.
I respectfully ask that it seems the only time I hear the word “Privilege” in realm of Employment it is in relation to Professional Sports, and mainly the NFL, and NBA unless it’s a Yankee saying it’s a privilege to don a Bronx Bomber uniform….
Don’t belive the hype..
Point is taken on the celebration explanation
Point is doubly taken on Oscar DLH ..respected and dare might I say….agreed upon..
I would just say that I’m very happy that a BOXER is getting the promotion money and bringing other BOXERS along with him. But I can’t argue with your point
TO point taken…. And yes he drops a lot of passes…. Saw him drop a slightly badly thrown Brad Johnson offering yesterday…… But…after Jerry Rice, and Don Hudson (and in my view Moss) you haft to put his as one of the Best all time at his position or better yet Job….. EVER… now if that’s not something to be arrogant about I don’t know what is..
Given the INTENSE amount of scrutiny, some deserving some completely overblown that he has and will continue to endure, one can surmise if he wasn’t so arrogant, (self confidence on steroids) the media and fans would have been crushed him long ago
Why do traits viwed in the worlds mirror view those that hold similar ones?
Not criticizing..cuz I’ve been known to do the same thing sometimes
Smh @ David fucking up my production at work lol
LongHornTroop -
Tony Stewart - Respecting skills is fine. But where does it end? Like i said with illaim, will we now be looking for the most skilled Monopoly player? Best tight rope walker? To be the BEST at ANYTHING takes some sort of skill. Where does it end Case?
Tiger Woods - Lol. I'm not going to win with you on this one. But let me say this. I like Tiger's personality, he's a great guy. I just don't understand the hype. He has skill. But walking 18 holes and swinging the club doesnt define athleticism. I can walk into a local gym and watch the cardio kickboxing class exert more energy, strength and agility. It takes him less hits than everybody else, to get a ball in a hole. Awesome!!!
Pacman Jones - Lol. I agree totally. NFL is not a league of BABYSITTERS!!
Lebron - This was my FAVORITE answer from you because it pinpointed how i actually felt towards Lebron and why. I feel he rides "both sides" of the fence so to speak when it comes to his age. He's too young to carry a team but old enough to endorse products for American citizens?
T.O. - He just annoys me Case. And it's not cause he's a Cowboy. He annoyed me in Philly. It's simple, he's just TOO arrogant for his level of production. Plain and simple.
Oscar De La Hoya - This man is just TOO greedy and doesn't seem to care to hide it. His exploitation of young fighters is already a big topic of discussion. I just don't like guys who take themselves TOO seriously, especially when you are 3-3 in your last 6 fights. And might have been 2-4 if justice was served in the Felix Sturm bout.
Wade Phillips - HAHA. I had caught this slip up at the top of the post....so i figure i should have thrown in Jerry Jones. But yeah, he celebrates like he's surprised.
I think you bring up an VERY good point when asking what exactly the criteria is. Lol at Kellen Winslow...." I'm a SOLDIER!!!!" But i think it's a combination of both for me Case. But i must admit the MEDIA has alot to do with HOW we see these athletes.
illaim -
You hit the nail on the head about ESPN. They are EVIL!!! lol. But i can't stop watching.
And i agree with you on the discussion of "degenerate"....to an extent. Yes, the AVERAGE american uses that term in a fashion to show more negativity than the word actually means. But i'm not an AVERAGE american. So you gotta know that I do choose my words carefully, thus meaning most of them. But i did capitalize the section of the definition that i was using..."LESS SPECIALIZED". You cut out the part of the definition that YOU heard.
And i STILL think Pacman Jones is a DEGENERATE. But that is NOW. I didn't always feel that way. The strip club incident didn't get me to that conclusion, it was the fucking up of second OPPORTUNITIES provided by the NFL that got me there. And that brings me to my next point:
Playing in the NFL IS an opportunity and honor. Pay me the money HE is making and i would have NO problem of the scrutiny and publicity that he gets. He puts it on himself!!! They don't talk about his performance in the news homie....lol....it's his personal life they talk about. The media LOVES athletes who act a fool. Plain and simple.
Let me ask you this. Would Adam Jones be who he is if God didn't BLESS him with this talent? What exactly would Adam Jones be doing if he wasn't with the NFL??? Could Adam Jones, work hard and TRAIN his heart out to get to the level of talent and playing capacity that he is at now??? Of course not. He has something that very very very very few people have and he wants to STILL act like a clown? He still wants to live the life of a "normal person"??? C'mon, you can't have your cake and eat it too homie....stop being greedy and appreciate the fact that your JOB involves you doing something exclusive and fun. People will come at you with pitchforks the second the sense you don't APPRECIATE your lifestyle or talents.
The LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Saying that, i feel that you got it made when you have figured out how to pimp your money and stop it from pimping you. In other words, i wish God would allow some good hearted people to become multi-millionaires. So, saying that i wanna say that it became an honor when contracts starting changing people's lives financially. It's an honor because it can take a broke kid from the barrio or hood and give him opportunities that he would NOT normally get. Because he has that GOD GIVEN TALENT that i referred to earlier. This game has become so loved and so respected. Its a game of warriors and titans. Legends are born and retire with honor in this league. Football and its concept of the "warrior spirit" lives within all of us....including you. Check your myspace default. Check your latest blog entry. You watch the NFL EVERY sunday homie...so you can't downplay it's importance.
CEOs, Wall Street Traders, Hollywood Actors.....this is an easy one homie. These people go to school for years. Usually thousands of dollars in debt. The train and practice and get better and better. You don't need to be born with a CEO talent or Actor talent....you LEARN it. You can't LEARN athleticism. Professional athletes POLISH their talents....maintain them. It's very RARE that a person can make it into the NBA or NFL just by working at the sport for years....without any natural talent.
Don't even get me started on our troops. Being a soldier is a JOB. So stop asking me to cup your nuts and suck your dick. Last time i checked, there hasn't been a fuckin draft since Vietnam.
I appreciate you seeing my points on T.O. and Oscar. Sorry about taking you from work...lol. And yes.....i said HOPSCOTCH.
But before i conclude i want to talk about your intro sentences.
I don't know if i read it right. But did you allude to attacks on athletes as being some sort of disguised attack on something else about that individual? Perhaps race?
SMH. My mission in life is to prove to the WORLD that racism is a dying disease. And the more we TRY to tie that shit to EVERYTHING that causes disagreement....the longer we have that bitch on life support. I have a 'DNR' in my hand...and i'm asking you to sign the god damn paper Dame. Sign that shit!
Okay before I get to the response to the response…
I must get at you…and Longhorn ..for the agreed upon observation you hold on Shaq..
Ya must be kidding me right?
Early in his career yes Shaq was nothing but a physical force pure and simple. (Like most youngsters who play on the block), and yes now he is nothing but a shell of his former all star self. But you must have been blind, bias or both, not to witness the variety of low post moves that incorporated finesse, hook shots and dexterous bank shots in his
repertoire during his prime. He was no Hakim in that sense, but he definitely was much more than Me push you …Me dunk on you now…. Which is the way you guys sum up his career.
Also nobody talks about how he got into a argument with his bodyguard because his body guard was LATE reporting to his job…. You might not watch ESPN for a soap opera, but many do, whether they will admit it or not, which I will get into later, but trust it has perfected exploiting a very profitable, if not annoying narrative
Now to the response…..
On Degenerate
David, I recognized and responded to both definitions of the word, both of which you conceded to aren’t the immediate meanings that come to mind to the average person when they hear it and neither one was provided during your original post leading most people to got with the more negative context you alluded to.
(“Less specialized after enduring a unwarranted year off for practicing his craft, no doubt”)
Is not cutting out a part of a definition I don’t like.
As I stated before, Pacman is far from the brightest guy. I could never forgive a grave act of stupidity such …ummm lets see, going to the strip club the day before going to meet the commissioner, to discuss incidents that occurred in strip clubs.
Now I do find it odd that you blend in the definitions of degenerate you use, as you latch on to the character aspect of the word, after he blew his “opportunities” which last time I check had nothing to do with specialization.
Be very wary of the phrase “provide opportunities” my friend…vary wary… but I get into that later also….
Lets just say for now that the NFL is and always has been very hypercrical in its providing and resending of said opportunities, and if not being sentenced to a day in jail and getting into a argument is cause enough to loose one job, I like to take a good look at who is providing those opportunities.
Smh I was waiting how long it took for you to mention money… It always comes down to the money .. People become blinded to every other tangible factor when it comes to somebody else making the money. What’s funny is relatively speaking, in the realm or rich people in general, and the NFL in particular, Mr. Jones is not making that much money. Let alone the fact he will not matter the most rosiest of scenarios , he will only be making for a very finite time period.
(Pay me the money HE is making and i would have NO problem of the scrutiny and publicity that he gets. He puts it on himself!!! They don't talk about his performance in the news homie....lol....it's his personal life they talk about. The media LOVES athletes who act a fool. Plain and simple.)
I’m not you so I can’t say what you would or would not have know problem doing. What I will say is that being on damn near 24/7 public surveillance and having your every move scrutinized, often unfairly, and bearing the brunt of unbelievable bias in all matters you are involved in is not a position most people would leap to be in for 700 thousand a year
Which turns out to be 450,000 after Uncle Sam takes his cut and before what ever great state Mr. Jones resides in gets its taste..
Given the extreme violence involved in Professional Football…of the NFL type, where you have the biggest, strongest, fastest, most talented people on the planet trying to hurt maim, and light weight. kill each other, and the well documented life long physical ailments acquired while working on the field I wouldn’t play for anything under a cool Million my self, which would be before taxes of course.
No issue…. Is plain and simple…. there are always explanations and rationale lurking around particular actions.
The medias zeal to cover even the most trivial and mundane of athletes discretions, from well know superstar, to bench riding scrub if they have melanin in there skin is a direct result of the successes to pandering to the viewing majorities general mind state.
Sorrta like how the McCain campaign panders to its “Base”
The inordinate amount of attention paid to sports in this nation, compared to to others (soccer fiends all over included). The average American male knows more about the NFL then any other institution for example..
The extremely punitive nature of our society in general
The overt or latent jealousy, envy and rage (pick one or pick all) of a large swath of our citizenry directed towards those who have or are perceived to have large amounts of wealth, and since athletes get far more face time then most “rich” people ……………
The vast majority of athletes being black
America’s views of Black People
Americas view of Black Males..
Americas’s view of young Black Males.
America’s views of young Black Males with a lot of money…..
If you live In reality, reference any substantiated poll, peruse any revered scientific study, look at major decisions made in the political, fiscal, social or legal realm, let alone talk to your fellow citizens and let them tell you for them, they will state race is a factor in our American life, no matter how they couch it or why they think it is…
If you have a 198 million white people in this country,
(I use White People because they are the numerical majority, which is a very big factor when it comes to business and potential profit margin)
and for the sake argument and trying to equate for infants and non tainted infants we say 20% of them hold prejudicial to racist thoughts. Or… lets just say…let race enter into decision making and position taking equation, consciously or unconsciously
That’s 39 Million plus people who hold, agree with, and enjoy prejudicial thought and discourse. (And stating 20% is generous imo)
From the, the comment section, to the water cooler, from television, to the sports bar you can dectact a virlant strain of prejudice veiled in the cover of sports.
Sports for a lot of people is used as a proxy to spout off there world view
You said it your self….
(“But i must admit the MEDIA has alot to do with HOW we see these athletes.”)
And the way ESPN manipulates the projection of athletes to pander to the world view of a large portion of its viewers.
It’s just good business ….like Right Wing Radio… just not as sinister ….
Give the people what they want, reflect how they feel.
You can’t divorce money, race, religion, and politics from. any aspect of our lives, and sports is no different, in fact it is the perfect example.
People like to see there beliefs reinforced..., there world view cemented
We’ve gotten into this before. So I’m already familiar with you views that “Most of the athletes are black so most of the stories are, and they only care about the famous athletes”
But the fact is when scrubs, bust and no names of differing races get into “trouble”, the tone, coverage, rationale used to describe said incident is radically different when race is thrown into the equation. Crucifying the White athlete doesn’t sell, because people don’t like seeing there own being crucified in general. Better to explain away…or let the story pass into the sunset….
Every job is a “opportunity” and honor is a man made construct that people are swayed to put stock into. You have yet to tell me when did playing in the NFL become a honor? So until you do I’m going to guess it became one as soon as it was created in 1920 and nobody gave a fuck about it, as Professional Football was a comparative joke compared to the college game
If Popularity deems something is a honor, then I guess that it’s a privilege and honor for every rapper to rock the mic or rock star to pull strings on a guitar…
Never hear those terms used in conjunction with them…
Since you want to bring super natural, unsubstantiated, unprovable ( I kid I kid )beings into our conversation I’ll play along..
But first…I will humbly ask?
Wtf ever happened to genetics? Could not the union of to individuals, their combined family history, the physical makeup of those involved and…the dexterous Michael Phelps swimming of one out of many have anything to do with some one have the baseline required physical traits to become a professional athlete.
Oh no..that had nothing to do with it … Its all God’s work….
I’m sure if his dad would have impregnated another women Mr. Jones would still be the same individual physically..
Let me cut you off at the pass…. I’m not saying anyone who plays anysport doesn’t hold physical traits that are faaaarrrrr superior then the average individual.
What I am saying is that there are many…and I mean many people not that far off in skill level or who in there own right hold a very higly spelicazed set of talents when it comes to sports. So when the the razor sharp cutting of and aquirign of talent comes into play, many other factors besides “physical talent” come into play.
And I’ve said it once I’ve said it again; When people utilize the phrase “Blessed by God” they are by default discounting all of the work the individual put in to get to where they are.
The pain, The Dedication, The Study, The Sacrifice, The Lifting, The Debasement by some…
Yes some people ala …a Brett Favre who made it all the way through college and into his 2nd yr of football with out knowing what the term “nickel back” ment are talented enough cut corners thrive soley on their physical talent.
But the vast majority of all professional athletes work damn hard to get and more importantly STAY where they are at, and to do that they training and studying and sacrifice come into play.
To answer your question, no…with out his natural skill set he wouldn’t be able to make the NFL. But if you think that is the only thing that got him to the NFL I would disagree with you fam.
The fact he has the ability, and has put forth the dedication to accomplish something that the vast majority of others can’t isn’t his fault and need not be his concern.. no more than a preeminent theoretical physicist for his abilities or accomplishments..
Money, and our finical construct that was just about to implode, are all man made constructs, God has taken a hands off approach for awhile now.
The fact that a young Black or Brown kid can escape a potentially life threatening place of residence constructed long before they where a thought, should not be look at as a privilege, but called what it is, a maneuver made in our stratified society.
Fuck Hope., Fuck Privilege, Fuck Honor
Because the all cover up the simple fact that, these people we speak of are good enough to accomplish a job they will make their bosses (who could give a fuck less about their well being) more wealth and even more successful then they have already have been
Yes I love football Yes it is very important to the very fabric of this nation.
Which is more reason for the average fan to stop hating on the Warriors you speak of who sacrifice themselves every weekend for us.
We need them more then they need us….
Yes they need us for the basic nature of their jobs…
But we need them for are very well being in a very strong way .
No NFL really really puts a dent into the U.S male’s quality of life.
Pure physical talent is not enough on its own the vast majority of time.
Coaches will be quick to tell you that ..
“CEOs, Wall Street Traders, Hollywood Actors.....this is an easy one homie. These people go to school for years. Usually thousands of dollars in debt. The train and practice and get better and better. You don't need to be born with a CEO talent or Actor talent....you LEARN it.”
There have been many actors who have never been trained and become very successful.
Bill Gates drop out
Steve Jobs drop out
Michael Dell drop out
Wayne Huizenga drop out
Guess they really really missed out on all of that learning….
Yet nobody talks about there “God Given” talent…. No no they are just “smart”
At the very least can we get some equality in the physical and mental “gifts” God hands out in the media and general populous.
The finical working of our education and wether they are inept, perfect or otherwise, I will say most people, such as my self do take on massive student loan debt in this land while pursuing the quest for knowledge.
But… Are not athletes learning while in college?
If not why are coaches paid MILLIONS to teach and train football players on the collegiate and professional levels?????
I would surmise that the vast majority of time that physical talent isn’t enough, you haft to LEARN, SKILLS, and TECHNIQES to put yourself and team over the top to attain that slight edge.
Players sometimes have amazing physical traits but don’t get drafted or fall far in the draft because, they haven’t learned the proper
techniques, have bad Fundamentals or just plain played in the wrong SYSTEM
I mean shit..if its all physicality just let the beast play right?
And while yes Football players receive a “free education” for deciding to play football for a school, that’s not just some benelevent act on the part of the educational institution. College football at the D-1 level rakes in Billons yearly which the athletes, unless they “cheat” don’t see a red cent off.
Schools give away scholarships on a constant basis based upon academic achievement or mental prowess, but I don’t here people calling them lucky, nor do I see those kids being apart of a system that helps rake in billions.
To put it bluntly …they work there way through school….
Student athlete just means you have 2 jobs…..
Word to that bullshit Brady Quinn commercial I had to watch all summer on the NFL network
On the soldiers…my point was that people in power generate and exploit sympathy for the troops for their own use…
Your response to that was kinda callous imo ..but that’s another one we will haft to get into later ..
(“SMH. My mission in life is to prove to the WORLD that racism is a dying disease. And the more we TRY to tie that shit to EVERYTHING that causes disagreement....the longer we have that bitch on life support. I have a 'DNR' in my hand...and i'm asking you to sign the god damn paper Dame. Sign that shit!”)
Lets say there is a man with a gun… who has killed before
That man with a gun has cancer …
The man with the gun is a little sick, and might die one day as a result of the cancer.
But until he dies…he is still a living man with a man with a gun…… who is know for doing harm.
Saying that man with the gun is alive is not only stating a FACT, but in some circles that would be seen as telling the TRUTH
You my friend, speak of a dying entity that is still wielding great impact before it succumbs.
And ironically, you tend to blame those who dare to point out its works, as the cause of its actions.
Ignoring or not acknowledging a sickness or the pains it causes never makes it go away fam…
Sorry about the long winded nature. of this comment
I look forward to the response… yo
It’s a DAMN shame that we don’t live down the street from one another so we could hash out our thoughts at our local watering hole. But I will settle for blogging in the meantime. And to warn you, I’m going to cut back on the quality of transitional phrases in order to cut down on the length of my response. Lol
Lemme go in order of YOUR response:
“but he definitely was much more than Me push you …Me dunk on you now…. Which is the way you guys sum up his career.”
And you have done me the favor of summing up my OWN thoughts on his career for me. That is EXACTLY how I see Shaq’s career. It’s just one of those things where I can’t see where you’re coming from and it amazes me how you can use the word “finesse” and Shaquille O’Neal in the same sentence. The freak couldn’t make a fuckin free-throw. Get outta here with that talk of finesse, hookshots and bankshots. You’re supposed to be able to do that shit in the NBA, especially at center. I’m going to move on cause I almost feel you’re just fuckin with my head on this one.
“Also nobody talks about how he got into a argument with his bodyguard because his body guard was LATE reporting to his job…”
LMAO! Are you kidding me? You know why nobody is talking about that? Cause it is totally IRRELEVANT and shines more light to the embarrassing FACT that Adam Pacman Jones needs bodyguards. Lol. Him having to be babysitted should shut down ANY and ALL arguments you may have in the ATTEMPT to defend or pity Pacman Jones.
It’s a 3 part definition. I highlighted the part I took to use describing Pacman. I don’t know where the confusion was. I’m aware you don’t care for the other 2 definitions but again, I didn’t NEED to even use them.
“…Mr. Jones is not making that much money.”
Haha. Compared to you or me? Or compared to his peers that fuckin ACT THEIR AGE!!!! C’mon man.
“I’m not you so I can’t say what you would or would not have know problem doing. What I will say is that being on damn near 24/7 public surveillance and having your every move scrutinized, often unfairly, and bearing the brunt of unbelievable bias in all matters you are involved in is not a position most people would leap to be in for 700 thousand a year. Which turns out to be 450,000 after Uncle Sam takes his cut and before what ever great state Mr. Jones resides in gets its taste.”
The millions were there for Pacman BEFORE he fucked up by doing ignorant shit. NOW it is a raw deal to only take home $400k and be scrutinized 24/7. But let’s face it, Pacman isn’t being scrutinized because he’s a great player. His scrutiny is brought on by one man and one man only, HIMSELF.
“Given the extreme violence involved in Professional Football…of the NFL type, where you have the biggest, strongest, fastest, most talented people on the planet trying to hurt maim, and light weight. kill each other, and the well documented life long physical ailments acquired while working on the field I wouldn’t play for anything under a cool Million my self, which would be before taxes of course.”
Bullshit. Unless you are referring to scenario if you had played college ball 3 years and was a Top Ten Pick like Pacman. Then I could understand you holding out, obviously. But this comes back to my point that Pacman fucked up his NET WORTH in the NFL, nobody else. Even so, what ELSE can he do to make a living?
But I would take $400k ANY DAY. As is of course.
“No issue…. Is plain and simple…. there are always explanations and rationale lurking around particular actions.”
I took that phrase from your own post homie. You did surround the phrase with explanation but did as well when I used it. In case you forgot……..here it is:
“You and I both know that when the average American uses or hears the term “degenerate” they are speaking or receiving the message on a personal He is or that person is calling me a Scumbag, type level. Simple and plain”
“The overt or latent jealousy, envy and rage (pick one or pick all) of a large swath of our citizenry directed towards those who have or are perceived to have large amounts of wealth, and since athletes get far more face time then most “rich” people ………”
Money = Power to CHANGE
And when people don’t use their wealth in a positive manner to change themselves, people around them or circumstances somewhere else…..they/we will cast judgment. Period.
“You can’t divorce money, race, religion, and politics from. any aspect of our lives, and sports is no different, in fact it is the perfect example. People like to see there beliefs reinforced..., there world view cemented”
Speak for yourself homie. Personally, sports is where all that shit takes a back seat. And I’m pretty SURE for millions of people, it’s the same way. Sports is a break from life homie, watch a Monday Night Football commercial. The dood in the office dreading the day but then realizing it’s Monday. So jaded and cynical sometimes homie.
“Crucifying the White athlete doesn’t sell, because people don’t like seeing there own being crucified in general. Better to explain away…or let the story pass into the sunset….”
One name: Roger Clemens.
If you wanna drag this one issue it, please do me the favor of listing 3 “white” athletes that “got away” from a “media exploitation”.
“You have yet to tell me when did playing in the NFL become a honor? So until you do I’m going to guess it became one as soon as it was created in 1920 and nobody gave a fuck about it, as Professional Football was a comparative joke compared to the college game.”
“So, saying that i wanna say that it became an honor when contracts starting changing people's lives financially.”
“If Popularity deems something is a honor, then I guess that it’s a privilege and honor for every rapper to rock the mic or rock star to pull strings on a guitar…”
“Since you want to bring super natural, unsubstantiated, unprovable ( I kid I kid )beings into our conversation I’ll play along..
But first…I will humbly ask?
Wtf ever happened to genetics?”
Religion is a debate deserving its OWN platform. It’s too difficult and lengthy to get into me defending this. But basically, it has to do with the way WE VIEW LIFE, altogether. Everything positive in life, I attribute to God. So basically, the way I see shit is that every day an athlete can wake his ass up and go practice 5 days a week and play on Sunday is a GIFT FROM GOD. A gift because God prevented harm coming your way during that week. You didn’t blow out your knee, your mother didn’t die, a younger guy didn’t join your team to replace you. So me arguing the whole “BLESSING” concept is pointless. At least on this topic.
And real quick, the whole “genetics” shit is even funnier to me. If you wanna get scientific with me then lemme throw in the term “Butterfly Effect”.
“You my friend, speak of a dying entity that is still wielding great impact before it succumbs. And ironically, you tend to blame those who dare to point out its works, as the cause of its actions. Interesting. Ignoring or not acknowledging a sickness or the pains it causes never makes it go away fam…”
Along with RELIGION, I feel that this topic deserves its OWN forum as well. But I’d be a LOSER if I didn’t make a statement in defense.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but did I hear you ACKNOWLEDGE that racism is a DYING ENTITY????? I exhale in relief to have read that. But you’re right, I give substantial blame to those who continue to point out and shine light on racism. We’re all aware of its presence. It’s been there. And it’s on a severe decline due to ENORMOUS changes within society. Both implemented by law and willingly by the rest. Let’s stop treating racism as the “elephant in the room” and get about our day. Let’s not let it DICTATE our lives. And your analogy doesn’t add up. The old man with the gun. That gun you speak of ran out of ammunition decades ago. Racism rarely kills these days. And before you bombard me with url:links to cops shooting suspects, as sad as that is, it’s NOTHING compared to the shit that went down 40 or 50 years ago. And I say this in respect to numbers and occurrence of events directly relevant to population. The man’s gun is jammed and rusty, he can still hurt you with it by throwing it at you but that’s only if you’re in close enough range. But the gun stopped firing a long time ago homie. A long time ago.
Dame is my fucking hero. I just spent the last 20 minutes reading these comments and I can't believe that anyone would consider Shaq's career a joke. I mean, I'm assuming you didn't see any of Shaq's college games or any of those games when dude was in Orlando. I mean, Shaq's Magic was the only team (and I stress that only part) to put a Jordan lead Bulls teams out of the playoffs.
I wish I didn't have this essay to write responses to some of your ideas.
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