When i was a kid i LOVED video games. But as i grew older my love faded. But with such systems as PS2, PS3 and X-Box 360 my love for games has been revived from time to time with certain games. One of the first video games that captured my heart for the 2nd time was Max Payne. A revolution of a game, it was like nothing i had ever played before. The graphics, the storyline and effects that were the first of their kind. So one could imagine my excitement when i had first heard back in March that Max Payne was coming to the silver screen.
Not what i had expected.
Mark Wahlberg. One of my favorite actors. So i was stoked. But aside from the few well shot action scenes and his presence....the film was a bust. The screenplay was horrific. It seemed like a group of highschool drama students wrote these lines. The supporting cast was broke. Mila Kunis from That 70's Show, Ludacris and that guy from Prison Break are Mark's co-stars and are 80% responsible for the failure of this movie. WTF!! Why would you put actors in a movie that has such potential who are cursed by their prior definitive roles??? You just can't take them serious.
What really disappointed me was the fact that the director took a phenomenal game which had a cult following and pimped it out to mainstream Hollywood. They made it into a PG-13 movie when the concept and story is clearly a twisted and demented Rated R film. But they "sold out" and thus the quality of the film suffered. A real masterpiece could have come from this film but instead we got left with a fraction of its capability to amaze.
“What really disappointed me was the fact that the director took a phenomenal game which had a cult following and pimped it out to mainstream Hollywood. They made it into a PG-13 movie when the concept and story is clearly a twisted and demented Rated R film. But they "sold out" and thus the quality of the film suffered”
Welcome to Hollywood Fam…….
That why I left along time ago
Not all movies are like that homie. That's why i still go. I know the risk i take by droppin 9 bills each time i see an awesome movie PREVIEW. But i continue to go because for every 5 bland movies i see.....i end up seeing a GREAT one that makes me think differently about life or just makes me feel good inside. And that makes it all worth while.
i can tell you STILL haven't seen Pursuit of Happyness.
"i can tell you STILL haven't seen Pursuit of Happyness."
A very Republican “I can not confirm nor deny that accusation” to that statement.
And I hear you on 1 out of every 5….shit I wish music was batting .200 nowadays
Mr lexxx reads this post
then he walks to the tv and takes his max payne bootleg out of the DVD player and throws in out the window!
thanks 4 the heads up!
Pursuit of Happyness - great movie
Hey man, glad i could save you the trouble. I take my music and movies "reviews" VERY seriously....lol.
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